Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Barking Dogs - Block 771

We received a call from our hotline on 20 March, about 12.15pm from a resident of Block 771, giving feedback of barking dogs in the home, which barked non-stop from afternoons to evenings.  He sought help from RC to speak to the owner of the dogs.

Upon clarification, the person who called us, did not have any details for us, just informing us to address the issue and not sure which unit it comes from.  The feedback from non-stop from afternoons to evenings, became occasionally.  Even if the frequency is not as often, we would like to help but with no details as to which unit it came from, it is very hard for us.  The person would like to feedback to HDB, and we advised that it is the same - details are needed.

Barking dogs do not bite, but they do create an irritation if it is prolonged barking with no reason.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Fire at Staircase - Block 767

We were just commenting recently on cluttered stairways and through a resident, who gave us links on SCDF website on the guidelines, another case of mischief occurred again, this time on the 12th storey.

From what was observed, mischief was intentionally done as fire was started with combustible material brought in externally and it affected clothes on a laundry rack, probably left on the staircase landing to dry.  The fire caused a corridor lamp to explode, thus causing the whole block corridor to be tripped and in darkness.  It was very harrowing for those near the fire as they could neither see the surrounding nor able to help extinguish the fire  ! Many people were alerted when fire engines and firemen were seen climbing up the block to locate the source.

Possible source where the fire started
Our RC would like to encourage all residents to really not clutter the corridors as we are not sure the vandals will ever strike again.  Please keep a lookout on suspicious and irrelevant people along your corridors, playing with fire - which is more likely will lead to more damages if their mischief is not kept in check.

The burnt items on the laundry rack and combustible materials on the floor
that was brought away from the burning source

Let's be considerate keep Zone 9 estate a safe haven for all our residents !

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Use of Common Corridors - Fire Safety

A great suggestion from a resident to us, to highlight to fellow HDB dwellers on some fire safety measures.

Guidelines on Usage of Common Corridor
While SCDF does not permit the storage of combustible materials along common corridors, we can allow for the placement of shoe racks, provided;-
a. It is for the sole purpose of keeping shoes, whereby, it would not constitute a substantial fire load,
b. A minimum clear escape passage of 1.2 m clearance is to be maintained from the parapet wall where the shoe rack is to be allowed.
c. No objects are to be placed along common corridors less than 1.2 m wide.
d. No placement of items such as clothing racks unless they can be easily folded or removed in times of emergency so that they do not obstruct the escape route.

Guidelines on Staircases and Its Landing
Strictly no placement/storage of objects at staircases and its immediate landing is allowed.

If you need an avenue to report to SCDF for any serious breech, below is a link to help you in reporting

Just an advice from the RC, please do exercise tolerance before alerting the authorities for enforcement actions !

Monday, 5 March 2012

Meow Meow ... Block 785 - Part 2

This was the original posting on 10 Feb 2012


Resident wrote back to us on 27 Feb 2012

Greetings to Mr Chia and Others !

Sorry for the late reply-feedback.

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to you and your committee for your prompt and humanistic action - issue was resolved within the same week without causing any harm to the cats. I am positive that with your efficient team of leaders looking after our residents, we will have a brighter and greener community with a little care and effort from everyone of us (residents).

Thank you and your committee once again! Have a great week ahead~


Thank you for filling up our service tank, which makes our service to residents a joyous and satisfactory one.